Screening form for Jessica Perry
I have included three methods of verification: References, Preferred411, and "Newbie Screening." Please choose at least one.
The Date: *
My place (a lovely hotel) or yours? *
Screening Option 1: References
Please provide *at least* two references from established, reputable companions who can vouch for you as a client.
Screening Option 2: Preferred411
Screening Option 3: Newbie Screening
If you do not have references, please read the following:
I will need your full name, plus at least one way for me to confirm your identity - usually, a published business email address and/or website.
I will email you a bland, generic, tech-related newsletter, mailed from an unpublished email address not related or traceable to ‘Jessica’. Please reply with a blank email, 'Please remove me from your mailing list,' or anything else you think is appropriate.
Once I verify that you are safe for me to meet, I will delete the information.
I will never ask to speak with anybody other than yourself, nor will I ever contact you without your permission.
Please use the space below to include some information about yourself...
I always like to know something about who I'll be meeting :) You don't have to write a lot - just enough to break the ice and give me a sense of who you are. Where you're from, what you like to do, etc. Also, if there is anything you would like me to know about you before we meet.